view.php 3.79 KB
require_once (dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/../../config.php');
// require_once (dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/leaderboard_data.php');
// require_once ($CFG->dirroot . '/user/profile/lib.php');
global $OUTPUT, $title;

require_login ();
$context = context_system::instance ();
$PAGE->set_context ( $context );

// $PAGE->requires->css ( '/blocks/leaders/css/style.css' );

$PAGE->set_pagelayout( 'standard' );
$PAGE->set_title ( "Notes" );
$PAGE->requires->css ( '/blocks/mynotes/style.css' );
$PAGE->set_url ( '/blocks/mynotes/view.php' );
$PAGE->set_heading ( "User Notes" );
$PAGE->navbar->add ( 'Notes', new moodle_url ( '/blocks/mynotes/view.php' ) );
$PAGE->requires->js_call_amd ( 'block_mynotes/script', 'init' );
echo $OUTPUT->header ();

class notes{
	public function allnotes(){
		global $DB, $CFG,$USER , $PAGE;
		$parameter = array ($USER->id);
		$sql = "select * from {block_mynotes} where userid=? order by courseid asc";
		$allNotes = $DB->get_records_sql ( $sql, $parameter );
		$sql="select distinct courseid from {block_mynotes} where userid=? order by courseid asc";
		$allCourses=$DB->get_records_sql ( $sql, $parameter );

		$fullNotes = array ();
		foreach ( $allNotes as $notes ) {
			$fullNotes [] = $notes;
		$fullCourseIds = array ();
		foreach ( $allCourses as $courseId ) {
			$fullCourseIds [] = $courseId;
		//full notes list
		$noteslist = array ();
		for($i = 0; $i < count ( $fullCourseIds ); $i ++) {
			foreach ( $fullNotes as $notes ) {
				if ($fullCourseIds [$i]->courseid == $notes->courseid) {
					$noteslist [$i] [] = $notes;
		$courseName = array ();
		foreach ( $fullCourseIds as $courseId ) {
			$param = array (
			$sql = "select fullname from {course} where id=?";
			$name = $DB->get_record_sql ( $sql, $param );
			if ($courseId->courseid == 1) {
				$courseName [] = 'Dashboard Notes';
			} else {
				$courseName [] = $name->fullname;
		return array($fullCourseIds,$noteslist,$courseName);
	public function viewNotes(){
		global $DB ,$CFG ,$USER ,$PAGE;
		$getallnotes = new notes ();
		echo '<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/blocks/mynotes/notes_excel.php" id="excel_download" class="float-md-right" style="text-decoration: none;">Downlaod Notes</a>';
		for ($i=0;$i<count($courseNameList);$i++){
			echo ('<div class="notes_section" id="'.$CourseIds[$i]->courseid.'">
					<a href="#" class="notes_course fa fa-chevron-circle-right" id="icon'.$CourseIds[$i]->courseid.'" style="text-decoration: none;" >
					'.' '.$courseNameList[$i].'</a></div>
					<table class="notes_overview" id="notes_table_id'.$CourseIds[$i]->courseid.'">');
			for ($j=0;$j<count($noteslist[$i]);$j++){
				echo ('<tr class="overall_notes" id="notes'.$noteslist[$i][$j]->id.'">
						<td class="notes_data">
						<a href="#" class=" delete_note float-right mr-1 fa fa-trash" id="'.$noteslist[$i][$j]->id.'" style="text-decoration: none;" >delete</a>
						<a href="#" class=" edit_note float-right mr-5 far fa-edit" id="'.$noteslist[$i][$j]->id.'" style="text-decoration: none;">edit</a>
						<p id="notes_content'.$noteslist[$i][$j]->id.'">'.$noteslist[$i][$j]->content.'</p>
			echo '</table>';
		/* <i class="fa fa-trash" aria-hidden="true">delete</i> */
			echo '<div class="alert alert-danger">
			<strong> User notes are empty!</strong> User notes are not availale to display. Please make note while working with activities to view all notes.

$viewnotes = new notes ();
$viewnotes->viewNotes ();

echo $OUTPUT->footer ();